None of us believes we'd fall for an online scam.
I mean, what kind of idiot would send money to someone they don't know? Who'd be gullible enough to provide their login details for their bank accounts? And surely no-one would ever click a link to install unknown software on their phone or computer?
But what if?...
What if you got a message from an unknown number claiming to be your daughter who'd lost her phone? You'd at least have to send her some money to pay the fare home, right?
What if you got an actual email from your actual bank warning you of a security breach, requiring you to follow a "secure link" to a "secure site" in order to change your password?
What if you got a call from a genuine cyber-security firm to inform you your device has been infected with malware, then providing you with step-by-step instructions on how to remove it?
Can you really be sure if the baddies caught you at the wrong time on the wrong day in the wrong set of circumstances you wouldn't be vulnerable to just the right con?
That's why Norton has granted all your scam-proofing wishes.
About a year ago I reviewed a new service called Norton Genie. This allowed you to upload a picture of a suspicious message or email, or copy the text from one, to check if it was the genuine article or just a scam.
Then Norton's AI Genie would compare it with its vast database of known scams and let you know the result in a matter of seconds. While this AI was being trained and was still in beta, it was available as a free mobile app and also as a web-based service.
Well, it must be working for people because Norton has now included this AI-powered tool in its 360 suite of cyber-security services to keep its customers protected from scams automatically.
That means for no extra charge, Norton 360 subscribers can opt to have their texts, emails and even social media accounts monitored for any of those offers that aren't just too good to be true, they could literally result in your identity being traded on the dark web.
While human beings like you and me are always susceptible to certain psychological tricks and triggers, Norton Genie isn't. It analyses text, links, and subtle emotional and contextual cues within messages to identify advanced scams and is guaranteed to let you know if something seems off.
And I do mean guaranteed. Many levels of Norton 360 subscriptions include a 100% virus protection promise - if somehow you DO get infected, if the Norton support team can't help, you'll get your money back.According to Norton's comprehensive data, since 2021 the incidence of cyberthreats originating from scams and social engineering has tripled, now making up a whopping 90% of all threats. Basically, the bad actors have cottoned onto our greatest weakness; we're human.
The beauty of Norton's Genie-based solution is once you've set it up, you can forget all about it. Norton 360 really is capable of monitoring every aspect of your online activities - from browsing to file downloads to app installations to Wi-Fi security - if anything is remotely suspect, you can be sure you'll receive a notification and whatever you're doing will be paused until you give the go-ahead.The best aspect of all of this is being an AI, Norton Genie is still learning. Every time something suspicious is flagged, Norton's scam protection gets even stronger.
Starting at just $NZ49.99 for the first year, I'm confident you'll be impressed with the multi-faceted level of cyber protection Norton 360 offers and even if that's too much of a commitment, you can still try Norton Genie for yourself for no charge at all. The next time you receive an SMS, email or social media message that looks a bit dodgy, plug it into the Norton Genie app and check out the results. I think you'll soon see why I've come to depend on Norton 360 to keep me safe online.
Click here for more information and pricing on Norton 360 plans that include Genie Scam Protection.
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